Donate for “Forward to 50”

During this challenging time, if you are able, please consider making a contribution in support of Dignity/Chicago's Forward to 50 programs.

Help the chapter to grow its reach through social media and to stay connected during these times. Perhaps you can contribute what you would have placed in the collection basket this month or even consider becoming a monthly donor with a set contribution.

Any size gift is welcome, but please think about a gift of $25 or more for this Christmas season. Contributions can be made through -- and designated to support the Chicago chapter. The members of our community thank you for your generosity.

A final note: You can deduct from your 2020 taxable income $300 in donations to tax-exempt exempt orgs like us, even if you don't itemize! This per the CARES (coronavirus) act.

Albert Peruzzo

Al has served as Dignity/Chicago’s treasurer.


“Forward to 50” Fundraising Campaign


Mar. 6: "Dine with Dignity" and discuss homelessness